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Questions and answers

  • How can I collect my purchased bottles ?
    You can come to a market or event I'm attending: please let me know in advance. You can collect from me in person from locations in Cardiff and Bridgend. I can arrange grouped deliveries for places like Newport, Bristol, Swansea or to some of the naturopathy courses that are happening in Cardiff. In 2020 you will be able to order online with a shipment cost for a minimum order.
  • What Happens in a Naturopathy Session ?
    What does a treatment consist of? An initial consultation with a Naturopath normally takes about an hour and a half. During this time the Naturopath will ask questions about the person’s condition, medical history, diet and lifestyle, and any conventional treatments that they may be taking. The consulting Naturopath may then use Iridology (looking into the iris), or tongue and nail diagnosis to get a better picture of the complete health state of the client. If needed, pathology testing such as hair, stool, or blood analysis may be recommended. Once all of the information is gathered, a treatment plan is formulated that addresses all areas of the person’s life, providing the body with the optimum chance to heal itself. The treatment plan may include advice on diet, lifestyle, exercise, herbal medicine, homeopathic treatments, or other suitable remedies. A Naturopath may also refer the client to other practitioners as part of an integrated health care approach.
  • What is covered in the workshops about gut microbiota ?
    - the essentials on digestion, Immunity, mental health, weight issues. - understanding the gut microbiota: its development, how to look after it. - the benefits of fermented foods with recipe, demos and tasting. Each workshop is full of helpful tips and general health maintenance.
  • What is water kefir ?
    Kefir is essentially a fermented drink made from a live culture of friendly bacteria and yeast, creating a fizzy tasting, gut- loving beverage! It’s been used for centuries across the globe to promote health and wellness. Water kefir grains can be used to culture sugar water, juice, or coconut water. A lacto fermentation is triggered when the cultures are put in contact with sweet water, dried fruits and lemon.
  • What are water kefir grains ?
    consist of bacteria and yeast existing in a symbiotic relationship. The term "kefir grains" describes the look of the culture only. Water kefir grains contain no actual "grains" such as wheat, rye, etc. They were first found in south america, on cactus plants, feeding on the sieve of the trees. They are also called “tibicos”.
  • What are the benefits of kefir ?
    Our digestive system has an intricate balance of beneficial and less beneficial strains of bacteria and yeast, and when the balance is tipped in favour of the bad guys, it can result in a wide range of health issues from digestive problems and weakened immunity, to hormone imbalances and skin conditions. In order to restore this gut health, the beneficial strains need to be boosted and encouraged to grow, which can be done via live cultures like kefir and sauerkraut, and certain pre-biotic foods like onions and garlic etc. The idea of supporting the gut was our motivation behind developing kefir drinks; by consuming them regularly, you’ll be giving your tummy some much- needed tlc! Our kefirs are also never heated or pasteurized, so that all the live cultures and nutrients are preserved for optimal benefit.
  • What ingredients go into making water kefir grains ?
    Our water kefir grains are grown in filtered and spring water, organic unrefined sugar, dried organic sultanas and apricots and organic lemon.
  • Does water kefir have the same benefits as milk kefir ?
    Water kefir contains fewer strains of bacteria and yeasts than milk kefir. On the other hand, water kefir contains far more than other cultured products, like yogurt or buttermilk and is easier to drink particularly if you do not like dairy.
  • What strains of yeast and bacteria does water kefir contain ?
    While the probiotics can vary with each batch made with water kefir grains, here is a list of bacteria and yeasts that can generally be found in water kefir grains. Water kefir grains consist of a complex polysaccharide matrix, in which live a combination of live bacteria and yeasts existing in a symbiotic matrix. Kefir grain make-up can vary depending on culturing location and conditions, resulting in a highly variable community of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts. Following is one scientific study's list of bacteria and yeast strains found to comprise water kefir grains.* Please note : this list is for general informational purposes only. We do not test individual batches of water kefir grains for yeast and bacteria content; therefore, we cannot make any guarantees as to the exact probiotic makeup of our water kefir grains. Bacteria Species lactobacillus l. Brevis l. Casei l. Hilgardii l. Hordei l. Nagelii Species leuconostoc l. Citreum l. Mesenteroides Species acetobacter a. Fabarum a. Orientalis Species streptococcus s. Lactis Yeasts Hanseniaospora valbyensislachancea fermentatisaccharomyces cerevisiaezygotorulaspora florentina * source :água.pdf
  • I want to consume milk kefir but i'm allergic to dairy. Is water kefir a good alternative ?
    Yes! Water kefir contains no dairy and are grown in filtered water and organic sugar.
  • Does water kefir contain gluten ?
    No, water kefir grains do not contain gluten.
  • How long does it take to make water kefir ?
    Water kefir generally takes 48 hours to culture. The exact time will vary depending on environmental factors, the most important of which is temperature. Allowing the water kefir grains to culture for longer than 48 hours puts you at risk of starving the grains and potentially damaging them.
  • What does water kefir taste like?
    The taste of finished water kefir varies greatly, depending on the sugar used and the culturing time. Water kefir can be fairly sweet and may have a flat taste unless bottled.
  • How long can I store the water kefir in the refrigerator ?
    Finished water kefir can be stored as follows: At room temperature (68° to 78°f) : 3 to 4 days In the refrigerator (40° to 45°f) : 2 to 3 weeks Storage recommendation : refrigerate
  • How much sugar does finished water kefir contain ?
    The remaining sugar in finished water kefir will vary depending on ingredients used and culturing conditions. Generally speaking, water kefir cultured for 48-hours will result in less remaining sugar than water kefir cultured 24-hours under similar conditions. It is usually less that 2g/100g.
  • How much alcohol does water kefir contain ?
    As with all cultured and fermented foods, a small amount of naturally occurring alcohol is typically present in the finished product. Although the amount will vary from batch to batch, for the typical brewing period, the amount should be quite low.

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3,The Bridge Studios

454 Western Avenue

Cardiff CF5 3BL

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Contact : +447515493402 

©2025 Laure Boutrais

Naturopathic nutrition consultant (SNN) fermented Drinks (water kefir) supplier and other health products 

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