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September 2023 – Stardust

Writer's picture: Laure of NatureLaure of Nature

Inspirations: What a lovely end to August it was for many of us, with the weather finally turning to it's best! We were so lucky to have been on holiday at this time and get a proper rest. While staying at the family holiday home in the Vendee region of France, where the night skies are so bright being far from big smoky towns, I wondered, while bathing under the full moon, about the universe... a point that felt like realisation. Maybe, our little planet is only one little cell amongst billions in the huge body that is the universe, or possibly an organ within our galaxy? It is estimated that there are approximately 200 billion galaxies in the observable universe! Made of billions of cells and billions of bacteria, what are we as humans? What is our role on this earth and in this body of ours? And are we actually made of the same stardust that forms everything in the universe?

Last month we talked about the thyroid energy connecting our heart energy with our mind. Here we need to remember that we are star children* and have the ability to open up our hearts and elevate ourselves.

* children are known to embody the energy of grace, purity, truth and wisdom. They know that all life on Earth is sacred and should be respected, and they seek to rebuild the Earth by spreading compassion (David Wolfe)

A powerful meditation I did recently around this idea, taught to me by Sion Ra, was to imagine wings growing on my back. They represent the wings of energy you receive through the back of your heart, like the breath you take in, and offer great support and an uplifting experience.

As you imagine these wings growing, you can feel your body lifting and your lungs opening. It's a great tool to use when you have backaches or you feel you have been hunched or crouching a lot, or if you feel anxious. You may find it's so much easier to breathe out and give this great energy back to the world! This breath becomes a wheel of energy, of giving and receiving in equal balance, and feels so healing.

How do you see your wings?

  • Angels wings: imagine the colour of the wings, just behind your heart, receiving support and kindness

  • Dragon wings what colour are they? you can feel them all along your back, they give you power and energy

  • Butterfly wings they are higher near your shoulders, they make you feel light and take out the burdens you are carrying

We, as star children are very sensitive to anything that is not natural. It is time to acknowledge the damage that Ultra Processed Foods (UPFs) are doing to our bodies, particularly to those little bacteria in our guts that are here to help us, boost our immune system, control our weight, make us happy and support us! They are struggling to understand how to deal with these laboratory created sugars, sweeteners, emulsifiers, flavourings, thickeners and colourings that appear to be included in so many things we buy these days. So please read your labels, grow or buy fresh ingredients, make your food from scratch, eat fermented foods and drinks, please read this book: Ultra Processed People and try the podcasts of Zoe and Tim Spector .

As the end of August was so powerful with its second full moon on the 31st and as we move towards the Equinox on the 21st of September, it's even more important to look after our bodies and particularly our guts while we go through a seasonal change from Late Summer (Earth element) to Autumn (metal element). September is the perfect month to cleanse our guts and get rid of these toxins! Have a look at some of David Wolfes Colon Cleanse 5-step plan.

It’s easy to run out of ideas for cooking courgettes in September, especially if you grow your own and end up with a ton of them! Courgettes are high in fibre, vitamin C & antioxidants and as this recipe: Courgette ribbon salad with green olives, basil & chilli, calls for raw courgette, none of this goodness is lost. My lovely friend and amazing plant-based chef Becky @onlylovekitchen created this recipe for me. It is fresh, zesty and can be enjoyed in the September sun whilst it’s still warm enough to eat outside!

My mantra for this month:

I open up my wings

I am stardust


> South Wales Fermentation Revolution:

The WhatsApp group for fans of fermentation is growing with more fermenters being added at each market and event I attend. If you are keen to learn and up for sharing your fermenting experiences, text me your phone number and you'll soon be on the journey with us! (07515493402).

> Talks to Spread the Health:

This weekend (9th & 10th Sept), I'll be at St Fagans Food Festival doing a demo on Sauerkraut and talking about the art of fermenting: 5.30 pm Saturday and Sunday.

On Monday 11th Sept, I'll be doing a workshop on fermentation for the chefs at Bacareto (Cardiff).

If you know of any people or places who want to know more about fermentation, please get in touch. We can also run tasting sessions of water kefir and sauerkraut.

> Food & Drink Festivals :

SEPTEMBER 9th & 10th: St Fagans Food Festival. Demo on Sauerkraut and the art of fermenting: 5.30pm Saturday and Sunday.

OCTOBER 14th: Our last festival this year will be Newport Food Festival.

> Absorb T- Shirts: The T-Shirts are bursting with colour and available at markets or online. The design is from an original watercolour by my cousin Brigitte, in France. The organic cotton makes them super lovely to wear!

> Salt: Our salt comes from the marshland area of l'Ile d'Olonne in the Vendee - there are now only 3 producers that harvest the salt in this area - it is so unspoilt and a great salt full of minerals and iodine. We use it for our krauts and gomazio (sesame salt)

> St Lucian Sea Moss Gel: We are offering Fresh & Blessed Sea Moss Gel at our markets regularly if you want to try it. Made in Cardiff, it helps to improve thyroid health, energy levels and to clear mucus - it's also full of minerals, amazing for libido and fabulous to use as a face mask to rehydrate your skin!

> Drinking Water Kefir for better health: If you want to drink our Water Kefir regularly to support your health journey, there are 2 money-saving options available:

  • Join our subscription scheme by filling in this document and emailing it back to us at ( *.

  • Learn how to make it yourself! We can sell you some grains, give you a receipt and teach you all you need to know!

*We deliver all around Cardiff and surrounding area - and further afield (see below).

> Grouped Deliveries outside of Cardiff: We have 2 separate delivery runs each month that go east of Cardiff one week and west of Cardiff on the other. Please get in touch if you live in the areas detailed below and want a Water Kefir delivery:

  • Gower, Mumbles, Swansea, Swansea Valleys to Ystradgynlais: Next runs are Thurs 14.09/ Tues 10.10

  • Newport, Monmouthshire and Bristol: Thurs 28.09/ 26.10

WORKSHOPS and Talks:

Workshops on Fermentation and Digestive Health are restarting in September!

Please check my calendar for the latest updates on which markets I'll be attending in the next couple of months and links to workshops (some will be updated later)!


Basil & Lime is still our flavour this month as our fresh Basil from Coed Organic is still available and will be made until after the Equinox. We think it's so refreshing and perfect for this late Summer heat! We will move onto Pear and Sage later in the month.

Looking for Absorb products?

Local markets and where to collect, check out my calendar:



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3,The Bridge Studios

454 Western Avenue

Cardiff CF5 3BL

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Contact : +447515493402 

©2025 Laure Boutrais

Naturopathic nutrition consultant (SNN) fermented Drinks (water kefir) supplier and other health products 

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